With MACU's Skip-a-Pay program, you can choose one month to skip making a payment on your loan.*
You can make a difference for a family in need this holiday season! Our Ohio Street branch in Michigan City is once again a drop off site for Toys for Tots.
We are happy to introduce you to our new Ohio St. branch manager, Robyn Thatcher.
A message from MACU's President, Frank Beachnau.
I am very excited to introduce you to our newest product coming out later this year – Teen Banking.
Devra Leonard of Members Advantage Credit Union (MACU) earned the Certified Credit Union Executive (CCUE) designation as a member of the graduating class of CUNA Management School, which convened in Madison, Wis. on July 24, 2019.
MACU is once again a drop-off site for the Michigan City Back to School Rally. Help our kids get off to a great start for the 2019-2020 school year. Please consider contributing!
Ready for that new summer ride? Before you sign on the dotted line, here are some quick tips for keeping your A.P.R. low and saving you a bundle over the lifetime of your loan.
As life changes and the needs of our members change, we strive to offer products and services designed to make your life easier. That is why we recently launched a series of lifestyle loans that will enhance your life - no matter what season you’re in. From wedding loans to pet medical loans and everything in between, we have you covered. In this summer’s newsletter, I wanted to take a minute to introduce you to the full scope of available lifestyle loans, so when the time comes, you know that we have just what you need.
Every spring, the weather starts warming up, our energy levels rise, and we get the motivation we need to make those necessary home improvements we’ve been putting off all winter. But, where does the money come from to cover the larger upfront costs?
As a credit union, MACU is a locally- run, not-for-profit. That means that means much of the money generated is cycled back into the communities we love. Below are just a few ways that MACU was able to give back. Additionally, many of our board members make it a practice to enhance our community. We thank them for all they do!