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News (89)

Tax Refunds and Direct Deposit

Want your tax refund sooner rather than later?

MACU voted #1 Credit Union in Michigan City

Thank you, Michigan City, for voting us #1 credit union! We are honored and humbled to be recognized for getting to serve our community!  

Christmas Club Account

Looking for a better way to save for the holidays? Let us help! Just like Rudolph and Santa, Christmas Club savings accounts are a tradition at MACU. A Christmas Club savings account is a simple and automatic way to save for the holidays.

With this special interest-bearing savings account, we’ll make automatic deposits from your checking account in the amount you determine and on the schedule you define – daily, weekly or monthly. And, we’ll pay quarterly dividends. Your account is insured up to $250,000 by the NCUA, and you’ll have 24/7 access via our online banking.

Scholarship Winners Announced

We are happy to announce our annual MACU scholarship winners!

The $1,000 Gail Walker Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Michigan City resident Liam A. Dietz, who will be studying business at Valparaiso University. Eileen Latchford of Michigan City is the recipient of the $1,000 Leona Bruno Scholarship. Eileen will study Engineering at Purdue University.

Congratulations to both of our winners!

To learn more about MACU scholarships and/or to apply, visit the MACU Scholarships page.